Book Reviews

“The Cooperstown Casebook: Who’s in the Baseball Hall of Fame, Who Should Be In, and Who Should Pack Their Plaques” by Jay Jaffe

Book review at Knup Sports

Tom examines this book that attempts to make a case for who is in the Hall of Fame and who doesn’t belong..

This review will be short and to the point. This book has already been written. It is called “The Politics of Glory” and the Bill James Historical Abstracts. The only difference is the author touts his new system for selecting players called JAWS.

The new system is no better than any other out there. It just puts selections in doubt. That is already paramount to the Baseball Hall of Fame. There is no perfect system. This book is really long and full of analyzing statistics. One thing that is not in this book is any type of personality that comes out.

I love baseball and stats. But as I said, this is a repeat performance.

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