Book Reviews

“Living Out Loud: Sports, Cancer, and the Things Worth Fighting For” By Craig Sager

Book review at Knup Sports

Take a look at one of our latest sports book reviews. This one is Living Out Loud: Sports, Cancer and the Things Worth Fighting For.

If you are a sports enthusiast then you know the name of Craig Sager. In fact, if you do a word association with his name it will likely be his love for talking sports and his brightly-colored suits. He always moved forward and when he was diagnosed with leukemia he met it straight on never allowed it to slow him down until the very end.

Craig Sager grew up in Batavia, Illinois which isn’t far from Chicago. He loved the Chicago Cubs and would always find a way, even at a young age, to get to games. Sometimes it wouldn’t work out as he was caught during school a few times. He always moved forward in life as he tells about begging to see Hank Aaron play and getting his bosses to allow it to happen. That game Aaron broke Babe Ruth’s home run record. Sager didn’t sit by quietly as he dashed onto the field to attempt to talk to Hammerin’ Hank as he went around the bases.

Sager made a trip to Spain to run with the bulls. He covered many NBA games and always was prepared for an interview. Players sought him out, not just for his bright clothes, but for his ability to talk and make friends.

Craig Sager was a beloved broadcaster by all he came in contact with. He taught his family and friend how to keep going in life. He went out on his terms and love for his life. Sager has learned throughout his career and reminds you that no matter what life throws at you, to always look at the bright side.

This is an inspirational read and relatively easy for teenagers. They can get some real life lessons from this awesome book. Pick up and and read it and get another one for a great gift.

“Time is something that cannot be bought, it cannot be wagered with God, and it is not in endless supply. Time is simply how you live your life.” ―Craig Sager


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